I write books and plays.
New Release - BUY THIS BOOK
Everybody In This House
A Play & An Essay

Everybody In This House
A Play & An Essay
Father O’Donnell ignores Mary Turner’s pleas about her marriage. Several weeks later, she is dead. What happened? When Father O’Donnell tries to soothe his conscience by visiting the family, he finds the reality of domestic violence and child abuse.
Adult themes - Suicide, child abuse, rape
6 character: 3 men/3 women
60 minutes
This edition contains an essay providing details about the inspiration and creation of the play.
"Laura Axelrod's superbly written play is totally compromising."
Brian G. Cooper, The Stage (UK)
Buy Everybody In This House: A Play & An Essay (Ebook)
Barnes & Noble | Apple Books | Smashwords
Print Version Coming Soon!

My substack, Losing the Plot, focuses on writing, creativity, recovery and spirituality.

Megan Vaughan interviewed me for her book, "Theatre Blogging: the emergence of a critical culture." I was one of the original theater bloggers based in New York City, as well as being the only woman in the New York group. The book is available for purchase.

You can find my plays and monologues on the New Play Exchange.

Laura J. Axelrod is an author and playwright. As a journalist, her work has appeared in The Birmingham News/AL.com and Humanities -The National Endowment for the Humanities among others. She was also a columnist at The Clyde Fitch Report, interviewing changemakers and key people in the US arts scene.
As a playwright, her work has been performed in New York, California, and Europe. Her published books include her play, Everybody In This House: a play and an essay.
Laura was one of the first theater bloggers in the United States, a role she spoke about in the book, “Theatre Blogging: The Emergence of a Critical Culture” by Megan Vaughan.
She created Project 1968, a blog docu-novel exploring the lives of three young women in that tumultuous year. Educause Review discussed Project 1968 in “Web 2.0 Storytelling: Emergence of a New Genre.”
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